Power amplifier 25 watt class AB

 Description :

In the ever-evolving landscape of audio technology, the amplifier has witnessed a remarkable journey. From its humble beginnings as a tool to simply make sound louder, it has evolved into an engineering marvel capable of delivering stunning audio fidelity and earth-shaking power.

Decades ago, audio enthusiasts and professionals faced a dilemma: how to achieve the perfect blend of power and precision in sound reproduction. Early amplifiers had their limitations, often falling short in either sound quality or power output. But as technology advanced, so did the world of audio amplifiers.

Today, we find ourselves in an era where the pursuit of audio perfection has yielded astounding results. High-powered audio amplifiers have become the standard, capable of delivering breathtaking soundscapes that leave listeners in awe. Whether it's the rumbling bass of a concert hall or the delicate nuances of a classical symphony, these amplifiers can faithfully reproduce it all.

Big thanks

first I need to thank all person that help me to make experience in this type of audio amplifier and let me do something amazing with good quality
first I need to thank the autor of the schematic that i'am based to do my circuit and tests 
Nina-67 from astuces-pratiques : link
then I thank all members of forums futura-science for help : topic link
I thank Hackaday community for encouragig me to do thinks and share my projects

we need to undestand before the philosophy of an audio amplifier or powee amplifier
a power amplifier is the mix of the amplification of current and voltage in same time. 
the voltage is the action to push the pressure in speaker. the current is the consequence of voltage variation and folow over the coil of the speaker
so the first step in audio amplier is to make a voltage amplifier stage called the przamplifier. 
in this case we are face in two topology. the simple amplifier like the emitter commun. or the differentiel amplifier.
the differzntiel amplifier is an amplifier with two inputs and one output. the second input is used for feedback. this mean this type of amplifier control the gain


we have the differentiel stage, this stage used to amplifie the voltage level. by comparing output to the input we can easy control the gain. by this we can increase gain

the Vbe compensation:
when working with bipolar transistor, we always face in cross conduction because the vbe
in fact that an the differentiel can correct this discontunity, it is better to make an extra circuit that compenstae this voltage. her we add 2 diodes to reflect the interbal diode in transistors

the amplifier of current:
we use two transistor for push pul structure
teh NPN amplifie the postif part and thz PNP for the negative part
the emitter follow the base involtage level. but with more current( amplified by Hfe)
we add two resistor to compensate the thermal derivation and instability
current source :
used to make an actif resistor


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